About Scarlett

I’m Scarlett, and I write this blog.

I currently live in New Orleans, Louisiana, and I am a graduate student at Tulane University. I’m currently pretty wrapped up in New Orleans life, graduate school research, and trying to tolerate my boyfriend’s dog.

My academic/career  interests (at a glance) focus on environmental sustainability and urban agriculture in the Andean and Upper Amazon regions of South America. I’m currently designing a research proposal for my Master’s thesis, which (I hope!) can be a starting point for a PhD dissertation someday.

Other interests of mine include trying to make my own lifestyle more environmentally sustainable, cooking and baking, running, and swimming. I’m constantly revising how I make lifestyle choices. I seem to be drawn to learning more about my food supply and food choices, which of course is connected to my interest in sustainable agriculture and urban lifestyles.

I’m still very much a work in progress, but I’m pretty sure that the day I decide there is no more progress to be made will be my last.

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