Category Archives: Health

New Orleans Farmer’s Coop

Today, I went to the Marigny to check out the grand opening of the New Orleans Farmer’s Cooperative. Local bands were playing, local food and health producers were there to talk about their products, and it was generally a really impressive experience.

I bought kinds of random local produce and weird health foods like chia seeds and fava beans, and it was grand. I realize I’m the biggest dork ever to have so much fun grocery shopping, but truly, this is a happy place. Just look at the building!



This place has a great selection as well. I was very impressed. Think smaller Whole Foods with fewer rude people, flowers, baked goods, and alcohol. I’m not sure if it’s good to have fewer of some of those things, but it certainly was a friendlier atmosphere.

My pictures aren’t very good because I tried my best not to be a total weirdo taking pictures, but it gives you an idea of the experience.

Most of the produce was from the U.S., and quite a bit was from Louisiana and Mississippi.

In the past few years, and especially after living in Ecuador where most produce is regional and local, I’ve become quite interested in being responsible about my food choices both for health and for the impact I’m making on the environment and local economy. This is just one of many great examples of ways to invest in the local food economy  in New Orleans.

Till next time!

Initiative 26

On November 8, Mississippians will vote by referendum on Initiative 26, or the “Personhood Amendment,” aimed at redefining the moment that a “person” has full rights as a “person”–eloquent way to put it I know–essentially establishing the moment at fertilization (though this is murky in itself). While I’m not currently living in Mississippi, I feel like it is a second home since I lived there longer than any place besides Tennessee (where my family is from and currently lives). Who knows, I might even live there again someday.  Sadly, I can’t vote on this one.

From close friends and Facebook “friends” still in Mississippi, I’ve heard plenty about the Initiative, mostly very negative. From my perspective, it’s extremely confusing and all that seems clear to me is that I would vote against it.  In my view, any initiative that threatens implications for in vitro fertilization or certain types of birth control is not even worth considering. Since I’ve already proved here that I’m neither qualified nor articulate enough to fully inform anyone or argue constructively, I’ll just share the following link to several articles written by professors at the Mississippi College Law School. I recommend them to anyone who is registered to vote in Mississippi, and also to those of you like me who care a great deal about the future of the state.

Mississippi Personhood and Initiative 26 Symposium

Friday favorites: FOOD

Let’s talk food.

Specifically, let’s talk my favorite foods of all time (well, at least recently).



I think most of us can agree that when these delicious red berries are in season every summer, they should be eaten by the gallon. And I’m holding to that recently. 🙂

Soy Lattes

Want to know what makes soy lattes far superior to regular?? The light vanilla flavor of vanilla soymilk that doesn’t taste like chemical-laden syrup and the fact that it doesn’t sit so heavy on your stomach like cow’s milk. (maybe that’s just me….)


Recently, I’ve become obsessed. Being from the South, I never learned to appreciate bagels truly as a kid. I’m making up for lost time–move over biscuits! Fave combos: bagels w/lox (obvious perhaps, but again, I’m from the South) and whole wheat bagels with hummus.

and speaking of….


Hummus obviously earns a spot on this list. I like pretty basic flavors, nothing too fancy, combined with veggies, on sandwiches, and as mentioned above–on bagels.

Maybe that’s enough for now. I think this should be a regular series though. Maybe “Friday favorites”?

What foods are you loving these days? Does your taste and consumption change with the season?