Category Archives: Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites: Big Bad Breakfast

Breakfast is absolutely, positively the best meal of the day. I’m always hungry at breakfast time, I don’t feel weighed down from previous meals, and the standard fare is always just what I’m craving. When anyone proposes celebrating breakfast time with a special experience, I am all in. Case in point, I had the wonderful opportunity to celebrate (and yes I think that word is appropriate) breakfast with one of my closest friends and my roommate today at Big Bad Breakfast in Oxford. It was everything that name suggests.

I had some coffee, fresh fruit, buttered wheat toast and an egg, made to order. Perfect. Definitely worthy of being featured as a Friday Favorite.

The above pic is one of their t-shirts (which are also really popular and cute) with its logo. Here is the website:

Friday favorites: FOOD

Let’s talk food.

Specifically, let’s talk my favorite foods of all time (well, at least recently).



I think most of us can agree that when these delicious red berries are in season every summer, they should be eaten by the gallon. And I’m holding to that recently. 🙂

Soy Lattes

Want to know what makes soy lattes far superior to regular?? The light vanilla flavor of vanilla soymilk that doesn’t taste like chemical-laden syrup and the fact that it doesn’t sit so heavy on your stomach like cow’s milk. (maybe that’s just me….)


Recently, I’ve become obsessed. Being from the South, I never learned to appreciate bagels truly as a kid. I’m making up for lost time–move over biscuits! Fave combos: bagels w/lox (obvious perhaps, but again, I’m from the South) and whole wheat bagels with hummus.

and speaking of….


Hummus obviously earns a spot on this list. I like pretty basic flavors, nothing too fancy, combined with veggies, on sandwiches, and as mentioned above–on bagels.

Maybe that’s enough for now. I think this should be a regular series though. Maybe “Friday favorites”?

What foods are you loving these days? Does your taste and consumption change with the season?